Halloween Special - Castlevania Part 2

Posted on 10/31/2009 -

Here we are on the final part of the special Halloween week.

As the video says, this is Castlevania: The Adventure. I know, creative name, right? I wasn't really expecting much from a Gameboy Castlevania. I mean, I have played Circle of Moon and Aria of Sorrow before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It was the first Gameboy Castlevania game. In it, you play as Christopher Belmont going to stop Dracula. Woot and crap.

Wooooooooooooow. This is....wow. This is terrible. I mean, ok yes, the music is groovy. But damn. We went from walking uber fast to uber slow. Look at that! He's just barely getting along the stage! There are no sub-weapons, hearts restore your health (the hell?), and there are ropes instead of stairs. I wouldn't mind the ropes if you know...you didn't move like a snail on them. You can't attack on them either. And finally, to jump down one, you have to turn the direction first, then jump. You can't just jump and turn yourself like in every other game ever. So you better make damn sure to get enemies off you before climbing the ropes. Christopher moves like hell. He moves so fucking slowly that I"m scared to jump. It doesn't help that the controls are stalled too. I press the jump button and he takes like 3 seconds to jump.

Yeah I die at the end. I probably could've made that jump, but he was walking so slowly and I panicked. The only cool thing is the flame whip. When you whip something, then a fireball comes out. But you lose this ability somehow when playing. It sucks. But...that's ok. I'm not touching this again. It's too damn slow and laggy.

But the console versions of Castlevania were making millions of dollars, so they went a head with a sequel for this game.

Castlevania 2: Belmont's Revenge. This is kinda a strange title. Why is it called Castlevania 2? Why not Castlevania Adventure 2? That just confuses people then. And why Belmont's Revenge? Shouldn't it be Dracula's Revenge? Anyway, it's years in the future. Christopher has a son. Dracula comes back, kidnaps the son, turns him into a demon, and once again, Christopher has to go slay Dracula.

I have to say, this is much better than the 1st game. Christopher walks faster, the whip stays with you, you get sub-weapons, and you have the ability to quickly slide down the rope. Christopher can also whip while on the ropes. Although, you still have to turn before jumping. The controls are better as well. They are still slow and laggy, but at least the game is playable. Enemies spawn at stupid places. I'll be at the end of a room, then an eyeball falls and kills me. That's completely unfair. I can barely see that coming!

It's a decent game at this point. I still have no interest in playing it. It just...feels boring. I really don't give two shits about Christopher's son. I don't even like Christopher. He was the star in a bad Castlevania game. We never see him aside from his little pixel form. So, he sucks. End of story.

Then finally, another Castlevania game cam out. I know a lot of people know about this one, but I'm putting it here anyway.

Castlevania Legends. This one was actually pushed out from the timeline. But, I'll tell you the story anyway. Some chick, Sonia Belmont, goes to stop Dracula. Cool. Alucard is also in this game, but it's his pre-Symphony of the Night appearance, so nobody really cares.

I don't know about you, but that is the worst Bloody Tears remix I've ever heard. Seriously, you can recognize some parts...and others...it's just like "wait, what? Did a train hit this?" Sonia herself is a little bitch. She was even removed from the timeline so, that just proves her worthlessness. Unlike the other games, I can't tell what the hell I'm fighting. Some...lizard ghosts...a blob...a floating snot...I don't know. There aren't any sub weapons either. Instead, there are magic spells. Not sure if I like this or not, but oh well. The controls went from being too laggy, to a little laggy, to being too stiff now. I cannot control her jumps to save my life.

Then there's...that weird death pit thing. How fucking mean. (I didn't know you could crawl until the end btw. That's why they were raping me so hard in the beginning) I went back down there to see if there was a secret or something...but nothing. Since when did Castlevania just have random death traps? Lame. It's an improvement over the others, but...gahhh. It's just not my cup of tea.

And now we move on to the final one. The only Castlevania released on the Genesis.

I really don't understand the story. Apparently, John Morris is a Belmont, and holds the Vampire Killer and he's going to whip some ass. Eric Lecarde has the Alucard Spear. Supposedly, Alucard enchanted this spear to...help the Vampire Killer or something. That doesn't make any sense. Why would you need a spear to go along with the whip? Also, Julius Belmont killed Dracula last according to Aria of Sorrow. His last name is Belmont. Why isn't John's? Same with Jonathan. What happened there?

Anyway. Apparently, they decided fast was good, and these 2 character sped like...good lord. They just run. John looks offensive to society. Look at him. He walks like he has a tumor in his leg, and his head is all small and just ungh. I hate using him. He looks like a deformed Frankenstein. The music is ok, the enemies are ok. It's a pretty decent Castlevania. Just...don't play as John.

The other guy is cool though. He uses a unique weapon and he isn't deformed.

So out of all the Castlevania's I went through...I think Kid Dracula is the best one, then Castlevania Bloodlines. Just my thoughts. Well, that was fun. I'm pretty glad I got to record all the footage myself this time. I'm off to go play Tekken 6 until Tuesday, when I'll review it.

also: The scene in Batman Returns, where the Penguin dies and the penguins put his body in the water, is the saddest fucking thing in the universe.