PSN/Wii/XBLA Update 10/29/09

Posted on 10/30/2009 -

As promised, here is the update. (Google is still bugged, but html codes saved the day, wooo)

The Wii's VC got a Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES) and crap.
The Wiiware got a bunch of puzzle games.
The DSiware got a bunch of puzzle games.

The PSN got trailers, a Little Big Planet costume (Halloween pumpkin thing), and *demo's.
The PSP was pretty much the same. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Froniter's demo was released. Wish I could play it because the game looks terrible but I'll never know.

No XBLA, I can't find what was released on it. XBLA *does* update on Wednesdays right?

*Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time's Ratchet Demo came out.
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By TempleGuardian at 2009-10-31
Remember how awesome Clank's demo was?

Well...Ratchet's...isn't so much. Don't get me wrong, it was good, was the same thing. There is no story at all in this demo. Ratchet and that other Lombax are on this planet and fighting against an army of enemies. You fight a bunch of bosses and such. The new weapon wasn't impressive. (it was just a pistol blaster) But the screamer was kinda fun. You can charge it and it'd make a super scream. The Groovitron is an actual gun now. I think they balanced it out too, as it takes longer to activate once thrown. I think it's range is a little shorter too.

The other Lombax fights alongside you, but he's really bad at it. I swear, his AI is just -3. I was fighting besides him, then he got stuck running back and forth between a line. It was really amusing though. I killed all the enemies then ran back to watch him run. He eventually fixed and got out of it too.
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By templeguardian at 2009-10-31
Ratchet also has the ability to hover on his own (with Hover Boots) when he double jumps. The swingshot and boots were on the crosspad, so you can switch between them easily. The hover boots actually make Ratchet fly around (like super skates) It's a very handy tool to have. There was only 1 really weird thing... I couldn't figure out if it was me, or the controller, or a bug, but I could not seem to duck. Did they take it out? I hit every single button and Ratchet never ducked. That is a really weird thing to take out. It's not as fun to smash the crates now :_(

Still, I'll be buying this game. It was still fun, it's still Ratchet and Clank. It'll still be awesome. Ratchet's demo just wasn't as strong as Clank's.