Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3, PC, 360) Review

Posted on 9/13/2009 -

Batman: Arkham Asylum
Released: August 25th, 2009 (PS3 and 360) and September 15th, 2009 (PC)
Developer: Rocksteady Studios
Publisher: Eidos
Genre: Action/Stealth

I'd like to formally apologize.  The demo was just fucking horrible. DON'T TOUCH THE DEMO EVER. The people who just praised it and praised it and praised it, and the hooked reviews didn't help either.  My brother bought this game, so I"m still successful in my boycotting.  However, it's unfair to not play a game and just judge it.  The main question is, "Is Arkham Asylum way over-hyped?"

Well...yes, in a way. The story is pretty much predictable.  Joker gets back into Arkham, Joker runs around, Batman has to stop Joker, other inmates try to stop Batman, Joker eventually gets defeated, Batman wins and does the can-can.  But it's the journey to there that's awesome.  It's the feeling of "I'm Batman" that makes you want to play more.

The game is mostly a behind-the-shoulder type game. (Like Dead Space)  You can punch, stun enemies, and block.  You also have several weapons you can select and use to help out. (like the Batarang, the hookshot, explodey gel, ect)  When those weapons are being used, it really does go into a over-the-shoulder feel, with the camera more to the side and a cross-hair to aim your weapon.  However, the game is nice and understands the need for "OMG FIRE NOW" situations. Tapping the button will make Batman grapple or throw the Batarang very fast.    Batman also can crouch (for sneaky attacks) and has a special "detective" mode.  With this active, you can see enemies throw walls, main objective points, and walls that can be blown up.
In the demo, I criticized about how the detective mode holds your hand, how slow Batman moves, lame combat, not having the freedom to grapple and hide wherever, not being able to jump, and generally not feeling like Batman.  The demo is terrible because it does not show you the true intro.  It shows hacked up, bits and pieces of it.  The intro is much longer, much interesting, much more detailed. The whole beginning part is messed up as well, it takes chunks from later on in the game and throws it in there.  That's why it feels so rushed and horrible. The demo says nothing about Batman upgrades, controls, anything.  It's just "This is great, buy it!"  It's a terrible demo.  Ignore it, don't even bother downloading it.  It gives a bad impression of the game.

Detective mode does not hold your hand.  It shows you key points, which, later on in the game, you will be able to recognize without it on.  It also has a quick double tap to scan certain things. (like the Riddler challenges and such, talk about that later)  Batman does move quite dodgy, but it isn't a big deal. (as in running and such)  The combat gets greatly detailed over time.  You get additional combos and just wind up all over the screen.  True you only use 1 button mainly, just it still has energy in it.  Seeing Batman flying, beating the shit out of every living thing on the screen.  Quickly pressing X makes him do a small hop on the enemy, so it's actually really good combat. The controls are bit odd, but that's ok. (like R2 ducks, and X runs) The enemies go into slo-mo when defeated so you know when the battle is over.  I'm surprised how smooth it was.  It is restricted on where you can grapple to.  You can jump, it's just automatic like Zelda. (Demo didn't say this)  I admit, I'd prefer a smoother, freer Batman, but this one is just as fine.  It's a different kind of Batman.

The game itself is very interesting.  Along the way of stopping the Joker, Batman often uses his detective mode to pick up fingerprints from people, or get help from Aaron Cash (a cop) or Oracle (Barbara Gordon). Joker's and Hareley's comments over the load speakers are sometimes a hoot. Some rooms are just filled with bad guys you beat the shit out of.  Other rooms you must sneak across.  Or, it combines the 2, and you have to kill the bad guys while sneaking.  I admit, it would be nice to have more sneaking kill options.  You can silently kill them, or do a glide kick and quickly bash their skulls to the ground.  There is another one, but the enemies hardly ever walk underneath the gargoyles directly, so good luck doing that more than once.   Those rooms are fun, but it sucks when you're caught.  If you get shot, you basically die.  You basically go into a mass panic smacking the grapple button.

I guess its' to enforce the "be sneaky" but I think Batman dies a little too easily when shot, especially with no options to dodge the bullet.  You just have to roll away and continue grappling around until they lose you.  It slowly gets harder, to a point where the Joker has hostages, if you are seen at all or attack an enemy, he will kill them.  You have to be 100% sneaky on that, but it's fun as peanuts.

It isn't a "Ok run here, now run here, punch these guys, ok, now run here" game.  You have the freedom to explore all of Arkham Island.  You have a map, to use in case you get lost.  The game is very varied.  It isn't the same old, same old thing.  Every room is always a little Batman something different to do.  Whether it's shutting down a generator, tracking down a villain, freeing hostages, finding a way into a building, going into the batcave, it's all there.  Even the bosses differ slightly.  Well...ok, some do.  Most of them are the same thing, but the few who aren't are very awesome to fight, really awesome stuff.  You get used to how the games works and how to do everything.

When you die, the game gives you a tip on the game over screen.  The game is really easy, there are certain "wtf" parts, but they aren't too difficult.  They are mainly so simple you overlook things.  Even if you are stuck, the tip on the game over screen will help you out.  So it's about an easy-to-medium difficulty.  The hardest thing are the clone bosses. They all fight the same, but they're just....damn.  It's the henchmen helping them out that make the bosses tough.

There are TONS of cool moments in the game.  It makes your eyes bug out and go "omgomgomgomgomg"  ....But I can't share them, then it'll be all spoiled :C DON'T RUN AND LOOK THEM UP.  They are more amazing when you play through the game and experience them first hand.  The game also tosses you an amazing mindfuck.  You'll know it when you see it.

For Batman fans, this is filled with Batman goodness.  If you aren't a Batman fan...I'm not sure you'll like this game very much.  That'd be like buying a game about sneezing if you are a germaphobe.  Anyway...Arkham Asylum is up to it's pits in fan service.  So many villains are mentioned or seen or SOMETHING.  Off the top of my head, Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, Clayface, Zsaz, Scarecrow, The Riddler, Bane, Penguin, Two-Face, and ton of crappy comic book villains, who were too lame to be in the animated series, are mentioned/in the game/something.  Those are just the ones I can think up off the top of my head.  You can find "interview" tapes in Arkham, for many of the villains.  They are very interesting to listen to.  You may also unlock trophies, and biographies of many, many, many, MANY characters. And Harley Quinn's profile picture has her in her traditional uniform, for those against the change. There are many ties into the animated series too. (such as voices, teehee) I nearly died of joy when Harley called Ivy, "Red" (sorry, I"m a super harelyXivy fan)

The Riddler has put down riddler clues all over the place.  Picking these up unlock things (namely, the above character trophies and challenge maps)  After picking one up, you unlock a Riddler Challenge, and must find the object he talks about.  (scanning it with your detective mode thing)

In the main menu, there is the option to play Challenge Maps.  In Challenge Maps, you have a certain goal, and must reach it.  There are 2 types of maps, fighting or sneaking.  It's basically fancy practice.  And yes, in the PS3 version you can play as the Joker.  He's so silly to play as, a nice change from Batman, but he's very squishy. 

After you've beaten the game, you can still run around Arkham, collecting things you missed.  You can also start a new file on a harder difficulty and a new costume.  (unless you got Arkham at Walmart for the PS3.  So you get both the Joker and the new costume early)  The new costume is ugly actually....well...Batman himself isn't too nice looking in this game.  I dunno, he looks too comicy for me.  The Joker is also too skinny for my tastes, but don't let change appearances warp the game for you.

There isn't too much to say negative about the game without nitpicking.  The backgrounds are nice, they leave little clues and neat things to look at.  (I can't say without spoilers, arghhh)  The's ok I guess.  Pretty bland.  The controls are awkward, but you get used to them.  Batman isn't so hoppy as he is in everything else...but I've forgiven that as well.  I guess it's possible to get bored of it after everything is done, but then again...DLC's are coming, and the Challenge Maps keeps your record so you are always trying to beat yourself.  I don't know why Eidos was rigging reviews, there was no need.  It only makes the company look bad.
"In February 2009, Square Enix reached an agreement to purchase Eidos for £84.3 million, pending shareholder approval, [12] with an initial aim of fully buying Eidos on 6 May 2009.[13] The date was brought forward and Square Enix officially took over Eidos on 22 April 2009.
Although Square Enix said earlier that it would let Eidos Interactive remain as it is currently and not meddle in its internal affairs,[14] Square Enix recently announced that it would be stopping game publishing under the Eidos brand and renaming it into Square Enix Europe. Eidos Interactive will most likely cease publishing in 2010."

So what the hell was the point of the rigging?  Lol @ Eidos.

+ Good difficulty
+ Fun Combat and Sneaky.
+ Tons of fanservice
+ Poison Ivy looks hot
+ Comic and Animated Series
+ Not a copy pasta game
+ DLC and Challenge Maps
+ Batman, Joker, and Harley Quinn all have their original voices from the animted series
- Eidos is full of retards
- Gordon's original voice isn't here :U
- Not for non-Batman fans/new to the series

Batman: Arkham Asylum gets a 4.8.
360 and PC versions also get a 4.8, I"m not judging the extra features.

Notable Console Differences: PS3 is obviously the best choice.  They are purposefully catering towards Sony.  PC would be next, since people will be modding the game to pieces and Gamestop had a special deal on that one.  360...the basic game is still as good, but it won't get/get at a later date all the extra goodies.  Nothing to throw a fit over, just thought I'd let ya know.

*I probably should've said something about the wonderful voice acting, but honestly.  If they managed to get The Joker, Hareley, and Batman's original voices, do we need to cover it?