Left 4 Dead 2 Banned

Posted on 9/17/2009 -

...in Australia.  http://www.kotaku.com.au/2009/09/heres-why-left-4-dead-2-was-banned-in-australia/

What the hell?  I don't understand downright banning of things like this.  Especially Left 4 Dead 2. Their reasons are just lame!

" The game contains violence that is high in impact and is therefore unsuitable for persons aged under 18 to play."
And yet we've spent years playing games like Duke Nukem 3D and Manhunt and we all turned out fine.   They always throw "BAWWWWWW VIOLENCE" around.  There is no proof that violent video games leads to shootings.  Normally the person has a mental issue, then they try to worm out of it by blaming games.  And apparently, Australia forgot about ALL THE MILLIONS OF OTHER violent FPS's that are already out.

* It notes that this violence is “inflicted upon ‘the Infected’ who are living humans infected with a rabies-like virus that causes them to act violently”.
Again, they forgot about Resident Evil series, and the millions of other games/movies that have some sort of a bad virus.  

* The report singles out the use of melee weapons as those that “inflict the most damage” and cause “copious amounts of blood spray and splatter (sic), decapitations and limb dismemberment.. or even cause intestines to spill from the wounds”.
Again, millions of other games.  And movies.  Why do they always forget movies?   Saving Private Ryan?  That was released in Australia wasn't it?

* In conclusion, the Board finds that the “interactive nature of the game increases the overall impact of the frequent and intense depictions of violence. This coupled with the graphic depictions of blood and gore combine to create a playing impact which is high.”
Oh christ, I'm not even going on.  This is idiotic."

It's just common sense.  It'll probably get un-banned eventually, but this is still ridiculous that violent games are even considered an issue in this day. I have a headache now.  "Durrr, we're bored. Let's ban something! Ok..hmm...OH JESUS LEFT 4 DEAD 2. VIOLENT VIOLENT VIOLENT!"