- A bunch of shit for the Wiiware. Woohoo. I'm not even gonna bother naming it.
- Fighting Street. An arcade port of Street Fighter. I don't know why you'd want that as Street Fighter 2 and some of it's add-ons are already on the VC. I suppose only the curious or the hardcore fans would want this.
- R-Type for the Master System. R-Type is also on the PSN, so I suppose it's up to you whichever version you want.
- Excitebike: World Rally, Frogger Returns, and Dragon Master: Spell Master for the Wiiware.
- Wonderboy 3: The Dragon's Trap for the Master System (never heard of this game).
- Cybernoid for the Commodore 64 (never heard of this one either).
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine Weapon X Arena is 5 dollars now.
- Gex for the Playstation 1 is out (fuck yeah!)
- **Trine Demo
- Free Little Big Planet Costumes
- Brutal Legend has a free map pack (Hextadon Map Pack).
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 has a pack of sorts (10 monies)
- Ghostbusters can be bought online now.
- Same with Dissidia Final Fantasy.
- Braid
- Command and Conquer: Red Alert (PS version)
- A shit load of trailers.
** Trine

Wow. I first began to play...listening to the guy talk while I'm playing through to get the people's souls bound. You play from left to right, in a classic platformer sense. The backgrounds are gorgeous with nice bright colors. The music is decent. The basic combat is fun.... on the PC, this game is amazing. Play the PC demo.
I'm not even going to waste the effort to show more pictures. The game is ruined. Flat out ruined. The controls are horrendous. One fighter uses the shoulder to attack, while another uses the right analog stick, while another blocks with another button and just unghhh. Why isn't the attack and guard buttons the same on all 3 characters?!? It's all flip flopped and makes no sense! Especially the fighter! It's amazing hard to block and jump. (using the joystick makes him block, while the X buttons jumps. See how it's difficult?) The ranger attacks with the joystick, along with the wizard. And the ranger cannot aim her grappling hook. It just flies mindlessly in the air. Sometimes, both shoulders will do an action for one fighter, but only 1 shoulder will work for another? It's confusing, and you cannot change them. I suppose over time you'd get used to them, but I am not wasting my money on a game that they were so careless porting.