![Image Hosted by ImageShack.us](http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/1963/nevanwhitea.gif)
She's a nude succubus who chases you down and tends to be more of a pain than necessary.
Dangers: Nevan is very vocal and gives audio clues to what she's about to do. When she says, "How's this?" she will float (I assume she's floating anyway) to the side and shoot 6 to 7 groups of bats at you. Just roll or jump to dodge. There is an alternate attack, where she says, "Don't you like me?" and fires 2 large groups instead. Dodge the exact same. If she says, "Get ready" then back up away from her. She spins around in a circle with some black energy going right around her. When she says, "Sugar" after she spins, that means she is done. "Now you will become tired," signals that she's about to shoot 3 lightning bolts from the sky, run away from your current spot. She also has non-verbal moves. When Nevan backflips, some black spikey energy will be flung at you. Roll to avoid (or jump, but be careful because it may still hit you) If she flies into a corner of a room, she's either going to shoot lighting strikes at you (moving at you, not from above) or put the floor on electricity. If Nevan laughs and waves her arm, she's will set the floor on lightning. Do not confuse this with the freebie she gives on easier difficulties where she will just laugh and sit there. She has to be in the corner and her arm raised. Be sure to jump and fire your pistols to avoid. If she doesn't laugh, just run past or jump the lightning strikes she fires. (She actually says something as the lightning bolts appear in front of her to fire to you, but it's not noteworthy as the lightning makes it's own noise and you'll be aware when she's firing). The strikes go both vertical and horizontal. When she is down, be careful to watch for her eyes. As soon as they really glow red, the blackness on the ground will cover her and injure you, get away that area around her when her eyes glow. When Nevan lowers her shield by herself, RUN. Do not let her get you or you'll be in for a long, tough battle. Nevan will kiss you and drain your health, while restoring hers. Turning on Devil Trigger while she is kissing you breaks it and leaves her open to attack. It's possible to hit her when her shield is down and she's rushing at you, but I wouldn't risk it unless youv'e been played a while. Run, jump, roll, anything to keep away from her. As Dante, keep in the air.
Defense: Nevan is surrounded by a wall of bats at all times. You have to hit her and hit her until she becomes shorter and the bats disappear. When she's on the ground, feel free to attack her. Unless, she lowers it herself and rushes after you.
To Defeat Newb Style: Any weapon will work for her bats, except ranged weapons. When she's open, pound her with whatever. When Nevan falls, use Cerberus, as she is weak to it. Do not use combos. You will not be able to get out of the way when the black area around her comes up. You can also shoot her while jumping for your life when she puts her own shield down. I suppose if you don't have Cerberus when you reach her, don't panic. Any weapon will work, but Cerberus does extra damage. Just remember the "no combo!" rule. Try to look out for that when your beating her bats as well. It' sucks to be in a combo then she goes "Get Ready" and you can't move.
To Defeat Later: Same thing. You could pull off some combos, just be careful to time them. Trickster and Quicksilver are always there for you to use. Beowulf is also an option to use as well. Do downward attacks (the attacks you can do with multiple weapons where Dante just slashes straight for the ground. Rebellion and Beowulf can do that. Agni and Rudra and Cerberus can't) to take off her shield more quickly.
Vergil: Pretty much the same thing. Use Beowulf. Do those downward strikes too. Force Edge is also another option, but before of the 1 button, 2 hit, but downward strikes are more useful anyway. When she is down, use Beowulf, and stay away from combos. Vergil has a harder time dodging her laughing floor-lighting attack. You have to wait until the lightning has almost reached the floor. Nevan will charge this circle around her when this is happen. Maybe 2 or 3 seconds in, the circle will change color and the lightning hits. There is no sure way to give advice on this. You must time it correctly and jump. Wall-jump if you can make it in time. Do the wall-jump to get away from her when she lowers her own shield. Use Devil Trigger to outrun her. Or, you can wait until she's grabbed you and then use it to break free. Do it quick though.
Mission 11: Beowulf
![Image Hosted by ImageShack.us](http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/804/devilmaycry369.jpg)
He's a gigantic dog with wings and a jaw that moves funny.
Dangers: Beowulf will punch 2 times and then do a stomp. Jump/Trickster away from him. If you stand near him, he will just do a normal stomp, jump away to avoid. If you're behind him, he will swing around that way, again jump away. He will swing at you if you are hitting his eye, and will fire a laser if you continually hit it. The laser is near impossible to dodge since you have little warning and not enough time to move. His eye will glow yellow for a split second. You either have to fall or Trickster away. The arm is easier to dodge since it takes more time and you have much more of a range to dodge from. When his eye turns bright red, he gains more moves to use. Beowulf will stomp on the ground creating an explosion. He will also spread his wings and creates another explosion. These explosions are in close range to him and easy to just run away from. Beowulf will get down on all 4s and charge at you. The best thing is to roll or jump at the last minute. If you do it too early, he will jump or turn and hit you. He will stomp and have spikey chained cages fall from the ceiling. After they fall, he'll thrown them at you. They are easily dodged by rolling to the side, or shooting them if your fast and powerful enough. When he's almost dead, they will drop randomly from the ceiling. Be sure to stay close to him, if you stay too far away for too long, he will fire many homing missiles that are very hard to dodge. Trickster will save you from some, and just rolling won't save you.
Defense: His whole body takes little damage except 1 part: his eye. Do not waste time trying to attack him from wherever, you'll be there all day.
To Defeat Newb Style: Attack his eye. Any weapon will work except Nevan. I personally use Agni and Rudra. When he falls down, attack the crap out of his face. I would highly suggest using Trickster here. You'll normally be in his face and won't have time to roll or jump away. Focus on his eye, and dodge when needed. When he's stomping down the chain cages, take that time to shoot him with Ebony and Ivory. Every little bit counts.
To Defeat Later: Pretty much the same. Beowulf is another option to use as well. I would NOT suggest using Quicksilver for once. It isn't all that useful in stopping his attacks and only wastes valuable DT Trigger. When he's charging at you, feel free to use the pistols, and don't forget when he's stomping and having the cages go down. He's a simple boss. If you're stuck, practice dodging and play it safe. I've beaten him with my pistols before, so anything is possible (and yes, it took forever).
Vergil: Exact same strategy. Beware of his attacks, and use Darkslayer wisely. Dodge away from him, and not to. Yamato would be the best choice of weapon since you have to jump to reach his eye. Beowulf is harder with Vergil, but is still possible to breeze through if you know what to do correctly. Use summoned swords too, they tend to do more damage than Ebony and Ivory and you can use them as your slashing his eye.
Mission 12: Geryon
![Image Hosted by ImageShack.us](http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3203/devilmaycry3dantesawakej.jpg)
He's a horse and apparently a mute. He pretty much just runs around.
Dangers: He runs into you. Obviously, jumping is your only option. Air Hike would serve you better (if you don't have it by now, be sure to buy it soon). On the bridge in higher difficulties, he will fire rockets while charging at you. The rockets he fires are easy to dodge, just run away from them. Things change a bit when you both fall into the arena. If he's moving, the rockets can still be avoided by running away from them. If Geryon is still, roll out of the rocket's way. He will also stomp twice when holding still. It send out this fire and wave. Time it with the wave, and jump when it approaches you (if you're close); if you're rather back, watch out for the actual wave then. Jump don't roll. Finally, he will shoot out pretty red orbs you should avoid, teleport around, and charge out of nowhere. Just run away from the red orbs, then roll or jump to avoid him charging at you.
Defense: Will sometimes swing his cart or teleport early to knock Dante off. Red orbs will slow down time for him if you touch, so avoid them.
To Defeat Newb Style: For the first part, you are trapped on a narrow bridge with Geryon constantly rushing at you. Shoot him (or don't if you breaks your focus) and jump to avoid his rush. If you happen to land on his carriage, get off. After 4 to 6 rushes, he will stop and give you freebie hits. Rush up and smack the horse directly. The horse takes more damage than the carriage. Also: use Cerberus if you have it. It isn't necessary, but it is his weakness. You shouldn't have too much trouble on the bridge. Time your jump correctly, and use Air Hike if you have it. Hit him enough to have you both fall off into a bigger arena. Now he will run in a big circle firing his rockets. Run the opposite direction of him and jump on top of his carriage. Jump a bit before Dante's shadow touches Geryon's. Once on top, just smack. Avoid moves like Revolver that charge Dante forward, as you will fall off. Immediately jump off if he swings around suddenly or catches himself on blue fire or goes into the air. When he's standing still and stomping, jump to avoid then move to him and slash the horse. When he falls down, beware, as soon as he's up you'll get damaged. If he twitches, run. When he's teleporting around, feel free to use pistols on him. Constantly be moving or he'll hit you, and do not move into the red orbs. He takes a little to get used to, but once you figure out how to beat him, it's easier.
To Defeat Later: Almost the same. If you're skilled enough, you can jump on the actual horse when he's moving around in the circle to damage him. The missiles also shoot faster, so Trickster, Quicksilver, and DT are all options to use. Geryon won't let you get on his carriage easily either, so be quick getting on him, damaging, then getting off.
Vergil: Same thing. You have to time the jumps better because lack of Air Hike. I would suggest using Beowulf. Never forget about the summoned swords, constantly be throwing those at him.
Mission 13: Vergil
![Image Hosted by ImageShack.us](http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/8083/vergilbeowulf.jpg)
Hey, he's back!
Dangers: This time around, Vergil is using Beowulf instead of Yamato. He has 3 basic attacks. One where he just punches you, one where be strikes down from the air, and one where he attacks up in a spiral and then strikes down. These are actually easy to dodge: run, jump, or roll away from him. Rarely, he will bring out Yamato and try to slash you. It can be unexpected, but dodged just as easily. He will also bend down and do the ranged slashes move. All you do is just run and jump to Vergil to dodge. One this mission, he will start using his own Devil Trigger move. While this form is activated, he will regain healthy and not flinch when hurt (just like you). He won't block your bullets however. You can either just run until it runs out, or shoot at him and prevent his health from rising. His Beowulf is more powerful than yours, so be careful to not get caught up in one of his combos. The summon sword attacks comes back from the 1st time. Jump or roll to avoid, depending on how they come at you.
Defense: Like before, he will block any attempts to use ranged weapons (outside of DT mode) and has a very good block for melee.
To Defeat Newb Style: Wait until he's doing a ranged slash attack, or wait until he does an air down strike (which he does commonly) As soon as he lands, pound him with any weapon, avoid combos, the same as last time. Again, Trickster is the better option to use here. Run away as soon as he blocks you. It's actually really fast once you know how to do it. He blocks, does a strike, you hit him, he blocks, he does a strike, you hit him...only his DT will interrupt this nice pattern.
To Defeat Later: Exact same as above, but use Beowulf. Quicksilver and Trickster are there if you're having trouble
Vergil: Exact same thing, and use Beowulf. Also: I discovered Vergil cannot block the summoned swords, so use those to peck at him if you like.
Mission 16: Lady
![Image Hosted by ImageShack.us](http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/8196/450pxlady3.jpg)
Some label her as the easiest boss in the game, but she is quite annoying.
Dangers: She will shoot her pistols, toss grenades, and fire rockets. The pistols are very quick and easy to get hit by. Shooting Ebony and Ivory will deflect them, or roll and jump out of the way if you choose. When she grapples up, she will shoot if you're near her so beware. Rolling or running away would be better then. When she speaks, "Ok" or "Get Ready" she is about to fire her rocket. Jump to avoid. She will sometimes grapple hook to the cieling and throw grenades at you. Just run past out of their way. Finally, when Lady has a quarter of health left, she will say something, then charge Kalina Ann to fire many many rockets at you. Run, jump, roll away from them. Use the pillars in the room to your advantage to hide behind.
Defense: Lady is human and she knows it. She will not easily let you hit her. She will jump around and back-flip and grapple in the air.
To Defeat Newb Style: Attack her when she says something. She takes a few second to charge up her Kalina Ann. Any weapon will work on her. I use Agni and Rudra for her. As soon as she flips, whip out your pistols or run. If you do not wait for her to load her bazooka, then the battle will be long and difficult. She shoots you very fast and with no warning. As soon as her arm moves, shoot or run. She will occasionally stand and stare at a wall and you get free hits.
To Defeat Later: Same thing really. She does get faster and much more of a pain on higher difficulties. Quicksilver and Trickster, again, come to assist you. You just have to carefully dodge and take any opportunity to hit her. When she is throwing grenades and standing on one of the pillars, feel free to attack her. The thing that prevents her from being labelled as the easiest, is because on higher difficulties it takes a while because she keeps running away...just be patient and hunt her down.
Vergil: Same as above. Use summoned swords. Force Edge and Beowulf are the better weapons to use. His swords do not block her pistols, so be sure to run.
Mission 17: Doppelganger
![Image Hosted by ImageShack.us](http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/9878/dopplelganger.gif)
The hardest stupid boss in the game.
Dangers: He will charge at you (or hop) and do a single slash or a combo. He will also jump back and throw a ball of darkness at one of the lights to shut them. He will punch the ground and cause a beam of darkness to appear under your feet (similar to Nevan's lightning attack) just run or roll to avoid. Doppelganger also can smash the ground after you're stripped him and cause all the lights to go out, and hurt you if you're close to him. As soon as he jumps, run.
Defense: The whole arena is covered in darkness. Doppelganger can't be hurt unless he's caught in one of the lights, or you've activited all the lights and left him helpless.
To Defeat Newb Style: Use Rebellion and Beowulf. If you choose to ignore me, at least keep Beowulf. Use Rebellion to attack the lights to turn them on. A single 3 hit combo will do this. Be fast, for he will start hopping your way once your out of the light. Jump away from him if he comes near you, then quickly hit the light to open it. Keep going around in a circle. Even if he puts on out, stay in the outside light so he won't hurt you. As soon as they are all active, charge at him with Beowulf and beat his face in. Trickster is the one to use here, so you can dodge him easier if he comes near you. When Doppelganger jumps after you've hit him, run to the nearerast light and start working on it. The whole arena will be dark after he regains his shield and you'll be open to attack from anywhere.
To Defeat Later: He becomes such a fucking pain later on. The lights take more hits, he moves faster and does more damage. Be quick and hit the lights with Rebellion, then proceed to beat him with Beowulf. If he happens to get stuck in the light early on, feel free to hit him instead of running (make sure to use Beowulf). When he puts out a light with a dark ball, you can also just run through the center instead of the outer circle to get there faster. Watch out, because he follows you. If your fast enough, you can deactivate the last light in his face and have him right there. Trickster is essential if you keep dying to him. Otherwise, use Doppelganger to beat his ugly head in faster and never have to look at him again. If you're really desperate, Quicksilver is always free to use also.
Vergil: Pretty much the same. Charge the lights with Force Edge, then beat Doppelganger with Beowulf. Keep your finger on the circle button and watch out for him charging at you. Using summoned swords while using Beowulf shrinks his health down faster. If you keep dying, hide into some light when he comes your way.
Mission 19: Arkham
![Image Hosted by ImageShack.us](http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/1732/dmc44.gif)
A lot of people consider him the hardest, but if you know what to do, then he isn't that difficult.
Dangers: He smashes one of his tentacles instead the ground or swings it do the side. He will raise it above his head before doing so, just jump away or roll. For the vertical swipe, he will lean forward more so watch for that subtle sign. When he turns yellow, run. Yellow means he will walk towards your while swinging his tentacles around. When he turns purple, run and jump and roll around. He is shooting tentacles at you. See where they come from, and get away from them. Do not just try to outrun them. After a while, Arkham sinks into the ground and shoots up eels. The eels pop above and under the water. Red ones will directly hone for you, but the normal ones can still damage if they are too close. They all must be killed for Arkham to re-surface. Jump to avoid their charging attacks. Arkham will fall from the sky after his eels are dead, be sure you aren't underneath him.
Defense: His only real defense is sinking under the water and spewing eels up.
To Defeat Newb Style: Kalina Ann is a MUST HAVE to avoid hassle. Any melee weapon works for Arkham. I use Rebellion. Smack him whenever you dodge a tentacle attack. If he turns yellow and you're far away, shoot him with whatever ranged weapon you have (and not Kalina Ann, as it's range is too short but do have it equipped). If he turns purple, don't worry about attacking. Focusing on dodging them. When Arkham is sinking below the water, run up and attack him as he's going. Or stay away and shoot him with whatever. When the eels appear, fire Kalina Ann like crazy. Avoid using any special Gungslinger moves with it. Point blank shoot the eels and they will be out of your way easily. If not, quickly slash them with whatever weapon you have on. Avoid long combos as the eels die easily. Jump and keep an eye out for any red eels. Now, this is important: USE your DT BEFORE Arkham is half dead. Heal yourself. After he's half-dead, Vergil will join your side and DT will be disabled. Vergil helps with damage. If you have Kalina Ann, continue on with that. If you don't, then use whatever forward attack move your weapon has. This will make Vergil do his super "Scum" charging slashing attack with Yamato, and that will take care of the eels easier. Don't worry about Vergil's health, he has no health bar. Worry about dodging with Dante. Trickster is the best style to use here.
To Defeat Later: Same thing. You can probably sneak in some extra attacks, but that's it. Doppelganger is an alternative to use here instead of Trickster.
Vergil: Almost the same thing. You lack Kalina Ann though, so use the forward charging move on Yamato to kill the eels. Beowulf is the best option for Arkham. Instead of getting Dante, you just get a 2nd Vergil when the time comes. Continue using Yamato's slash to take care of the eels. Whack Arkham, then Darkslayer teleport when you have to.
Fun Fact: A second player can control Vergil (or the 2nd Vergil) and really make the boss fight different. This is the only mission it can be done though.
Mission 20: Vergil
![Image Hosted by ImageShack.us](http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/9919/769946vergilspasuper.jpg)
Final battle.
Dangers: This time, Vergil has Force Edge. Along with all his attacks from Yamato that you've faced before, he has many more. Although he'll commonly use Yamato for the first of the battle. Vergil will throw Force Edge around and it'll chase you down. DT, run, jump, roll, teleport to get away from it. More than likely it'll hit you though. Force Edges has many combos, and they are avoided by running away or rolling. Vergil has one combo where he'll say "This is the end", turn on DT, then teleport around constantly doing downward slashes. You can't do anything about this. Run and roll away. Vergil shouldn't be too difficult since you faced him before. However, on higher difficulties, he is much faster and dangerous. He still uses DT and the summoned swords. Be extremely careful to not get caught in a combo, as that will be devestating. There is really no further advice I can give besides "Run, jump, flee, ahh!" Always remember to use DT for running away too.
Defense: Again, don't use pistols unless he's in DT. And again, he will easily dodge your melee attacks unless you catch him right after an attack.
To Defeat: Everything I've told you previously. Hit him with Beowulf when he's open. Trickster or Quicksilver are the better choices for styles. Watch out for his movement. Run when he turns into a devil and speaks.. Do not try to attack him while he's doing this. It's pretty much impossible and will only result in you getting hurt.
Vergil: Same as above. Time Darkslayer carefully, and use Beowulf. Wait for him to miss you, then attack him. The slow, killing him with summon swords becomes more difficult to do later on, so I suggest getting used to running up and hitting him.
If you've killed all the bosses, seen the ending (which you will appreciate more if you've played the 1st game), and played through the credits: then I congratulate you on beating the best action game of all time. Hard as hell but very satisfying. And if you struggled, I can promise you the bosses will become easier over time.