Top 10 Wii Exclusives - Part 1

Posted on 1/14/2010 -

Before I even begin, the mini-comic I mentioned will have it's first page this Monday. That will be on 1/18/09. Keep in mind that I'll still be updating on my normal days. The comic thing is just an add-on.

Anyway, I feel like I neglect the poor Wii too much. I hardly get a chance to get any games for it (I mostly rent), and I never feel the need to review the VC games. Instead, I'll commit this Top 10 specifically to the Wii exclusives. This does not count re-releases (like the Metroid Prime Collection) or even Gamecube titles (like Twilight Princess). Pure 100% Wiiness here. I've also decided to cut it down in parts of 2. Putting all 10 on one post seemed way too long.

Number 10
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House of the Dead Overkill. It's a very funny game, with simple zombie shooting fun. I classically don't like rail shooters unless they have special qualities. House of the Dead sticks out for it's humor. We already have serious horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill. There is tons to unlock, upgrade, and various other modes. Stayin' Alive happens to be my favorite. The goal is to stay alive while countless waves of monsters come after you. The game overall isn't too difficult or unfair. It's a nice pick up if you happen to see it. Oh, and cursing. Don't forget the cursing.

Number 9
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Mario Kart Wii. This spin-off series has always been fun. The Wii version is no different. Again, it's just the simple racing fun that makes this shine. You can play as a crap load of characters with a ton of different karts. There are a bunch of unique levels to play through too. And Bowser's Castle is just fucking awesome. It's always a good time, whether it's with a friend or with computers. You're allowed to curse here too. I haven't played this game with the wheel though, and I don't plan to, so I won't mention it.

Number 8
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New Super Mario Brothers Wii. Besides the shitty title, it's pretty much the same, retro 2D classic style, as the DS version. There is a huge bonus to this version: the co-op. It's a classic style Mario game, but you get to play it with a friend. That alone sets it many steps above the DS version. Of course there is new powers up and the stupid Super Guide thing, but honestly, co-op is always something that adds to a game. Single player is nice and all, but I'm pretty sure basement nerds have friends too.

Number 7
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The Conduit. I know, "Omfg, stfu CoD:MW/Halo/Gears/whatever 2 is sooo much betar!" Sure, ok. But we are talking Wii. I think the only other *decent* first person shooter it's had was Red Steel, and that sucked. Anyway, speaking in general, The Conduit is an average FPS. The reason why it's so popular is because the Wii has none. But still, it's good to have one over none right? Anyway, the controls are wonderful. The Wii has always been cool with shooter games controls, which makes me wonder why there are so few. Again, it's just nice to hop online and shoot people in the face to pass the time.

Number 6
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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Finally, a game with depth! The same with the other games, you go around this free world, collect objects, and fight bosses. The controls are nice, and it's a good change to go into a more story-driven game. I do think the previous Metroid Prime games were better, but this is the only one for the Wii (not counting re-releases remember?) It's good to pick up and play every once and a while, but due to it's nature, it'll only be played in spurts. These types of games are hard to just set down, then pick up again weeks later and re-get into it. Once you start playing, you can't stop. Whether that's seen as a good or a bad thing, is up to you.

There we have it, 5 of the Top 10 Wii Exclusives. I'll finish the rest on Saturday.