Rez (Dreamcast, PS2, 360) Review

Posted on 1/02/2010 -

Techno has never been this awesome.

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Released: Dreamcast version never released in the US, January 7th, 2002 (PS2), January 30th, 2008 (360)
Developer: United Game Artists (dreamcast, PS2), Q Entertainment (360)
Publisher: Like 6 hundred million of them that I'm not going to name.
Genre: Rail Shooter

You probably know Rez from the transvibrator item that you could buy with the game. It was only released in Japan, and you could wear it on your finger, or in your pocket and it'd vibrate with the game and was apparently more powerful than the rumble inside the controllers. I'm not going to talk about that. I really don't give a shit if people choose to shove their controllers and peripherals in bad places. I want to talk about the game itself. (and FYI, I don't have that device, I wouldn't use it like that either. I like to keep my controllers clean thank you)

Story-wise, this game isn't that deep. You play as a computer hacker, who has to go in and save Eden (a super computer). That's...pretty much it. In game, you play as a polygon man. You're stuck on a "track" and you go through the game without much control. You can fire your laser (or hold it for a multi-charged shot), and turn your guy around but not move him around. Different kinds of shapes and other oddly shaped enemies (some like octopuses) and such will fly around. Only bigger ships will fire out missiles to actually hurt you. On the bottom left corner, is this blue bar. Through the game you can collect (by shooting) these blue orbs. Collect enough and you "level up", turn more powerful, and gain a new physical form. Getting shot or hit takes away a form. If all your forms are destroyed, you lose your life and have to re-do the level. Red orbs can also be collect for "overdrive". When overdrive is activated, it just shoots lasers all over the place. It has it's own bar on the bottom right.

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Each level is structured similarly. There are 5 levels, each one differently selectable in a menu. When you enter a level, you fight ships, then there is looking thing floating around. Shoot it to release a blue square, shoot it 8 times to unlock the next section. If you manage to miss the blue square (it hovers around you for a while) the section your on becomes longer and harder. You will get another chance at shooting the blue square. This all repeats until you enter a larger area, then fight the boss. Depending on how many enemies you killed depends on the bosses difficulty. If you aren't doing very well, the boss is easy. If you are kicking ass and owning everything in site, the boss will rape your ass.

Of course, I was just giving you basic information. The game is very artisty. The computerized atmosphere you fly through is hypnotizing to watch. The game is music focused, techno in specific (and not the head-hurting kind). Through the levels, it gets more and more pumped up. Firing your laser, shooting the blue square, destroying enemies, charging your laser, everything creates different kinds of beats. You'll find yourself shooting enemies or missing (missing doesn't actually let you fire, it just makes a different sounding beat) on purpose to go along with the music. Everything is synchronized and fits in so perfectly. The environment fits so well with the music. The music fits so well with the combat. It's all seamless. Along with that, the controller rumbles to the beat of the music. So when your at the end of a level, and the music is pumping and your just firing all over the place, you know it's damn awesome because the controller is throbbing like crazy.

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Rez lets you play in any style you want. You want just a laid back game to pass the time? It can do that. You want to kick some major ass and build up a sweat? It can do that too. There are many modes to unlock (like a practice mode, score mode, and more) You can unlock these by getting 100% on certain levels or by playing a certain number of hours. You can also unlock lasers and skins. The game is very simple, very enjoyable. There is little to get angry at. or even talk about. You just shoot whatever you see. I mean, you use 2 whole buttons to play.

While not spoiling anything, I have to say, the last level is the single most coolest level ever. The last boss(es?) is...just...damn. He's hard as fuck, good luck beating him. The awesomeness of the game, and particularly the last level, makes me wish the game was longer. I mean, those 5 levels are cool, and will be replayed to death, but I wish there was more. Like I said, there is hardly anything to bash about the game besides, "It's too empty. It's too short." and things along that line.

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I'm not gonna lie, I classically hate rail shooters. They are boring to me, I lose interest by looking at the cover. I hate the limited movement, how it really isn't *your* character because you can't control anything, or how you have to shoot EVERYTHING or you die. Here, it sucks you in. You go to play Ratchet and Clank, then end up with Rez in your hands. You go into a completely different room to play some Gears of War, then wind up loading up Rez on your Xbox 360 instead. You don't have to shoot EVERYTHING on the screen to survive, just the obviously flashing missiles. The techno music draws you in, and you end up playing for hours and hours. There is no deep story or anything to attempt to force you to care for people you really don't give a shit about.

You may not feel it has replay value, but like I said, it sucks you in. There is more to do than meets the eye, and even after that it's still fun to go back and shoot things mindlessly.

+ Bangin' music
+ Attractive enviroments
+ Simple fun
+ or complicated fun
+ Available on 3 completely different consoles
+ Creative use of rumble
- Too short
- Not for everyone (the simple gameplay, the music, things like that may not appeal to a broad audience)

Rez gets a 4.9 for all 3 platforms.

"Why isn't Rez HD on the PSN/Wiiware?"
I don't know why it isn't on the PSN, that's a mystery. But, the Wii doesn't have HD. Also with the fact, the game would be more frustrating with the Wiimote (and would lose points on my scale). I really don't feel like wanking around in the air to shoot a ship, it's much better with a joystick.