PSN/Wii Update 12/10/09

Posted on 12/12/2009 -

Like I said before, my Playstation 3 was being moved so I didn't get a chance to get on and check.


- Another version of Street Fighter 2 and shovelware.

- Where are all the demo's? They were like "DEMOS HURRHURR" for 1 day, and now they are all gone.


- Pixeljunk Shooter was released.

- Frogger Returns was released.

- The add-on blades for inFamous was released (free).

- **Dante's Inferno demo

- **Topatoi demo

- **Mushroom Wars demo

- Bomberman Party Edition for the PS1


- Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles now downloadable

- Death Jr, and Death Jr 2 now downloadable

- Gradius Collection now downloadable

- Silent Hill: Origins now downloadable.

Awesome batch for the PSN, not so much for the Wii.

First is

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A long time ago, I heard people calling this a God of War copy. I went "pffttt, comon, rip offs aren't all bad." and even made an ancient post about it on here. I'm not even sure they tried to make this different.

If you've played God of War, you've played this game. Everything is the same. You play as a shirtless muscle guy who gets a injury on his chest. He fights and kills and is feared and sins. He kills Death itself and comes back to life or something, only to have his woman die and now he's off to save her. Dante has a light attack, a heavy attack, double jump, the 2nd joystick to dodge, a grab attack, to open "fountains" you have to hit circle over and over. He can do gruesome finishing moves, he can gain white souls and get spells... see where this is going?

It moves, feels, and looks like God of War. At least Heavenly Sword tried something different. Even the way Dante runs and how he slides/climbs things is an exact copy. They could've made this game cool, but they blew it to make a copy pasta game. I wasn't very impressed. They were trying too hard to make it "mature". Dante's woman, Beatrice, is just randomly shirtless throughout the whole game. Uh, why? In fact, why is Dante randomly shirtless too? He did wear armor, then it just...vanished. There is one scene where Beatrice is laying (naked of course) on a pedestal thing, and she's moaning and crap. I thought she was getting raped by spirits at first but apparently...she's in pain or something? Why is it so sexual? I guess she's a sadistic like that...

Anyway, I guess this is a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. I never was a big fan of God of War. I mean, yes, good game, but I'd prefer most anything else over it. Same with Dante's Inferno. It's just God of War, but in hell. Try the demo, see for yourself. It just depends on the person.

Topatoi doesn't...explain anything. You're some some ...vehicle thing in some tree. You basically bounce around on platforms. To kill enemies you...hell I don't even know. They don't explain a thing. You're suppose to knock them off but I have no clue how. It wasn't very entertaining, I couldn't get into it. Poop of a demo.

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I first saw the trailer to this and thought "Well, this is a Pixeljunk Monster rip off". The general style of the game is a rip off. The music, the art, you can tell where they borrowed that from. But the actual gameplay is completely different. You control a tower when you start a match. The little number increases as you sit there. (the number represents how many mushroom guys are in the tower) as you upgrade, the number goes up faster.

The object is the either take over a certain tower, or destroy the enemy. The circle, x, triangle and square buttons control how many guys you send out. (like triangle sends all of them, circle send 3 quarters..) while R1 has an arrow to select where your sending them. They can either go to your other towers, or attack the enemies. It's pretty simple. However, it does require strategy. It's amazingly fun. I wasn't expecting much at first, but then I sat down to play it...and I couldn't stop. I had to force myself off to play Dante's Inferno. Then after that...I got back on Mushroom Wars. Definitely give this one a spin. It feels pretty great SWARMING your enemy with hundreds of little mushroom guys to just slaughter their bases!