Virtual Console
- Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures for the SNES
- Street Fighter 2: Chamption Edition for the Turbo Grafix 16
- **World of Goo DEMO
- Pokemon Rumble and **DEMO
- Bit. Trip. Beat DEMO
- **Nyxquest: Kindred Spirits DEMO
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord DEMO
HOW late is Nintendo on releasing demo's? Damnit. It took FOREVERRRRRRRRRRR. But yes, they're here. Now you won't have to risk your money downloading crap, you can actually play them first.
- Peggle was released.
- Smash Cars Demo
- Resident Evil 2 PS1 Classic
- Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver PS1 Classic
- Little Big Planet Turkey Costume
- Little Big Planet demo
- Pixeljunk Monsters: Deluxe demo
- Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines released on PSN
Awesome things as usual on the PSN. Not a whole lot of content, but it's alll good.
I'm going to talk really briefly about the Wii Demos. First, DON'T download these to your SD card. You cannot run them from it. No idea why, it's stupid. You also cannot stop, return to the Wii menu, and have it keep your place. And finally, when the demo "ends" you are returned to the Wii Shop. It's very annoying. But here we go
The World of Goo. It's an interesting puzzle game that revolve around physics. You basically have to build things out of these little black balls, rescue other black balls, then each a pipe. It's weird, and screams low-budget, but it's cool if you're into that kind of thing. It's a simple little thing in how it looks and plays, but it requires brain power to get through each level. I personally don't like it because I'm not a puzzle fan, so....download the demo!
Pokemon Rumble. Instead of playing as an actual Pokemon, you play as a "toy version" The Pokemon themselves are extremely deformed. (Pikachu looks like Pichu for example because of the way the toys are shaped) It's lame. You run around and attack with 1 button. You can "befriend" other Pokemon. There are boss pokemon, which are just huge versions of Pokemon. It's a hub system, you go into a central sub, then go into a ....spring I guess, and onto a level. It's annoying, each level has about 6 areas, very small, and you have to "spring" between them. Why not just have one? You can't die either. You have so many Pokemon in your party, it just keeps going and going. When the one your playing as "faints" you just send out another one. Useless game if you can't lose. Music is lame, it looks lame. Fail game is fail.
Nyxquest: Kindred Spirits. Another fail game. It tries to be super serious, but it just...blah. You play as some angel girl with wings. You play from left to right in a platformer like fashion. The music is very dull, the background is boring...there is no initutive to keep playing. You just fly around. There is an attack you earn later on, but I had to leave before I reached that point. But from what I've seen, not worthy of a purchase. It's too bland.