PSN/Wii Update 11/24/09

Posted on 11/24/2009 -

Surprise, surprise! The PSN updated today instead of Thursday (because it's Thanksgiving) So, I"m doing this early to keep up with the times.


- Bit. Trip. Void for the Wiiware

- Super Mario Kart (SNES)

- A Boy and his Blob (NES)

Good titles!!! /excited


- There is a sale going on. These games are now 5$ until 12/2/09. Flower, The Last Guy, Prince of Persia (1989 version), Comet Crash, and Bomberman Ultra. There were a few others, but they are like 7$ and nobody plays them anyway.

- Gravity Crash (and a demo) were released.

- Command and Conquer (PS1)

- Dino Crisis (PS1)

- Little Big Planet Rare Shirt is out. 5$, and it's just a shirt. But it's only here for a week.

- Boderlands: Zombie Island DLC is out


- Tekken 6 was released.

- Little Big Planet PSP is out.

- Disgaea got 1 (maybe 2) DLC character packs.

Not too bad. There is always something decent.