Today's topic isn't *all* about games, but I suppose to plays a big part. We'll be discussing the evil of youtube.
Some of you are going "Well what's wrong with Youtube?" and others are nodding your brains out in agreement. For those who don't know, I'll make a happy little list.
1) The community is terrible. Just search for any video, and view the comments. Some videos get spammed so bad the author has just disable them because of the stupidity. I was watching one for Metroid, and some guy was talking about how hard he fucked to fuck Samus. (in bad spelling of course) then all the replies were talking about missles and crap...I have no idea. Another one was a video on Dragonball couples, and they paired up Vegeta and Goku and it got MAULED by insecure 12 yr old boys "omg ur such a faggot! D:<" I couldn't even comment anymore because people would attack me with their stupidity and go "jss ur sch an idit" How hard is it to understand that a platform in the water, did NOT come from a tiny little hole in the ceiling? It's basic logic. Something bigger couldn't have fallen off something so small. Especially with the platform STUCK to the ground. The community reminds me of PSN and XBLA 12 year olds, and the people who spend all day on 4chan and assume they are bad ass because they do nothing but say the word nigger all day. It's like they all come to youtube as ONE. "Durrhurr, I'll use a racial slur in this video of me playing Halo, hurhurhurrrrrrrr"
2) The rating system. Anybody can thumbs down anything else, or badly rate videos. This normally wouldn't be a problem, but like I said, youtube is full of retards. Ew gross, a gay pairing? *1 star 1 star 1star* (but you notice on the lesbian videos it's ALLL 5 starred.) Ew gross, this guy is making me look like a retard? *thumbs down thumbs down thumbs down* so then a perfectly legit comment gets auto hidden. The flag system gets this done to. WTF? Somebody is speeding through Battletoads? I CAN'T DO THAT *FLAG* and sometimes the youtube staff has their thumbs up their asses so the video really does get an over 18 warning or removed. Because Battletoads is ttlly XXX.
3) The lazy staff. It takes FOREVER to get a truly offensive video taken down. It has to offend a certain number of people first. "Oh....a video of somebody smacking a toddler with a bat? Gee.....I have these donuts here and oh maaaaaaan, I can't hit the remove button now. I'd better just wait until more people report this." Then they don't even really look at what's flagged and such. "Battletoads? Sounds like a porno to me! *smacks the +18 tag*
4) Recommended for you! Not a big problem, but I ask the hell do you get a clip of a cat pooping in the recommended from watching Mario? Then when you click on that, you get a bunch of videos about birthing babies and deformity. What?
5) Copyright. Youtube magically got this problem of "THE FUUUUUUUUUUU-" whenever they see an AMV or....ANYTHING. I swear, not a single thing is safe. I've seen 100% completely original videos removed. I swear, they just get grumpy and remove things. For TV and movies, sales will not go down. Even for music. Yes, people will pirate it off youtube, but they can do that anywhere. Some of that is really hard to find, or it'll never be in your country or anything. It even boosts the popularity, I mean....say you're watching an AMV. The music is really awesome. Gee, whose the band? Oh wow, I love all their music! *buys stuff from them* But no. Using creative tools to make fun videos is bad. You can't even record yourself playing Mario or something. Because it's Mario, and it's owned by something. COPYRIGHT ARGH. Not a single video is safe, they can be muted or taken down at any moment.
6) The music they supply. In case your video is muted, you can put in another song! ....really terrible songs. Seriously...the music they have for you is shit. You cannot even adjust it to certain parts will play. Again, no creativity.
7) Youtube doesn't care. They really don't. Go on, you try talking to them. Or reporting a user that's harassing you. It won't matter to them.
So there is the big 7 of reasons of Youtube is terrible. "Golly, you sure have opened my eyes! But where will I get my videos?!!?"
I spent a long time searching for this, but I think I've found the best one. Most video sites have this stupid partnership with youtube, and I wanted NONE OF THAT. But here it is
DailyMotion is a French site. No ties with youtube, none of that crap. (and no, it isn't all in french, look at the link) They don't have sticks up their asses about copywrite, the people are nicer. There is only 1 problem. There aren't too many videos. This is the whole reason why I made this post. Because the more people who join and post, the better. They are more relaxed about copywrite, there is a 20 minute limit instead of 10, ect, ect. Go look for yourself
Hell, you don't even have to use DailyMotion. (although that's the one I recommend) I'm just tired of this huge dominance youtube has. Find yourself another video site. (make sure it isn't buddy-buddy with youtube) Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where if somebody posts "Post funny videos here!" the sources come from all over instead of just youtube? Variety! IT'S NICE.
BTW: Here is my account