
Posted on 7/26/2009 -

About this page

This page opened up July 7th, 2009. It was merely a product of boredom back then. Since that summer, it's grown and I have many future plans for it. The name, Planet Kerwan, comes from the Ratchet and Clank series. The name was going to be Metropolis but I didn't want people to think Superman when they swung by, as this isn't what this page is about at all.

*I (as in the user Omnitek) am the only person working on this blog. I type everything, decorate the site, make the videos unless I specify otherwise. I will occasionally get the help from 2 or 3 friends to check and see if everything is alright.

*I'm an 18 year old senior in high school. Because of that, and other factors, I am limited on what I can play and buy. That means I am delayed when talking about new games, and sometimes have to resort to talking about the old. That isn't a bad thing however, it just means don't come here for the newest and the best stuff, I can't do that.

*I update every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

*I own a PS3, SNES, N64, GBA, GBP, PS2, and a DS. My PC is crap so I can't run anything new on it. Do not expect anything much from the Wii department. I owned it, it collected dust, and then I sold it.

*My rating system goes from 1 to 5.

1 is the worst of the worst. These titles are just barely considered games, or not. Plumbers Don't Wear Ties and E.T. would fit into this category. They are epic of failures. Only collectors would enjoy buying these titles. (If you want them for lulz, don't waste money, watch videos)

2 is better, but still not recommended. Most movie games and such go here. Shaq Fu and barbie games go here. They might be fun for 5 minutes, but aren't worth it. I guess if you are really really really bored and the games are 3$ it may, sorta, kinda, not really, be worth it.

3 is middle ground. They are sometimes worth it, sometimes not. Sonic Unleashed and Forsaken goes here. These games are mostly great ideas, but executed all wrongly. They can be fun, it really depends on the kind of person you are.

4 are really good games. They're pretty awesome, but with plain flaws thrown out there. Sly Cooper and Diablo 2 fit here. The general population will enjoy them. These are the games most people will list if you go to a forum and ask which games to get for your platform. Most games will fit here.

5 are the best games. The flaws are extremely hard to find. Starcraft and Unreal Tournament fit into this one. These are basically legends. These smacked people in the face with pure awesomeness. Whether you enjoy the particular game or not, you can admit the wonder of them.

I will sometimes have decimals. I also have + and - scores. That means it's a little bit better, or a little bit worse. + and - are generally a tiny bit better. Meaning, if I have a game rated at -3, 3, 3.3, and 3.3+. Then that is the order of their quality, from worst to best.

Remember to read it fairly. Don't set up Gears of War against Super Mario Brothers 3. Those two are from complete different generations and are in two totally different genres.